Monday, June 3, 2013

GET RIGHT CHURCH: Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists

I've been holding off on a lot of postings because some revelations may seem so unbelievable since they are very supernatural and super-spiritual. I realize this is why I’ve heard so many people say they are afraid of the book of Revelations. I also realize the Lord did not anoint me with this call to keep these things to myself so this is not about me; it is about the work of God Almighty, El Elyon. The prophecy of Acts 2:17-21 is happened/happening.  I’ve come across many, many, many individuals- young and old- all over the world seeing confirming end-times dreams and visions since 2009.  I’m letting you know because the 'CHURCH' as a whole is still waiting for biblical events to happen that has already happened or is taking place now. Why? They are asleep (Isaiah 29:9-21), going on with daily routines, seeing all the warning signs all around and yet numb to all the death, natural disaster, evil, and war around. Yes, no man knows the day or hour when the son of man shall appear, but are you waiting on the last hour to get it together? The church is not ready and many are walking zombies in a state of reprobation (Romans 1:18-32).

 This is a society that does not like to keep up with current news events and natural occurrences, even with all the technology available. People would rather listen to hear say than research for themselves. This opens the door for all sorts of false doctrines and teachings. The thing is, technology is a very important resource for the church, but many are not using it to advance and glorify the kingdom of God. Everyone is waiting for the new “i” this and apple this in order to chat it up and spread everything but the word of God. Outside resources will never replace the Holy Bible-living word of God, but we need to be aware of what’s going on around us. How can we then discern the time, if we are not watching (Luke 12:54-56)? Church, you CAN NOT see and the Lord CAN NOT reveal when your minds are so full of the world’s lust of money, sex, traditional false doctrines- not to mention Facebook games, worldly movies, and filth. I am judging this situation based on righteous fact. I use to participate in all of these things. Am I perfect? NO! We all have fallen short of the glory of God. Is this an excuse to live out old sinful, filthy lives? NO! In fact, I have been transformed by the renewing of my mind-Glory to God.  I’ll post my testimony later. But, we must all crucify the flesh with the help of the Holy Spirit, change our daily behavior and make a decision not to compromise with the world any longer in order to walk with the Lord and give 100% effort or we will not make it into God’s kingdom. Don't get me wrong. We are not saved by our works. We are saved by grace. It is then grace and the perfection of Jesus' love in our hearts that we are then empowered to walk in love when we are born-again. We then began to exhibit spiritual fruit that aids our pursuit of holiness. The way is straight and narrow. Many may seek to enter and will not- that's the Word (Matthew 7:13-20). It’s time to look at the full bible collectively and not 4 or 5 scriptures individually.
I am aware of haters who seek to discredit. Many “christians” have lots of malicious and unfruitful things to speak. That’s why I use little “c” in quotations because “christanity is simply a melting pot of all sorts of beliefs, doctrines and ideas within the church community. The little “c’s” are spiritual murders, thieves, evildoers, busybodies and backbiters. So to those who are truly seeking God’s truth (the real followers of Yeshua HaMashiach, “Jesus Christ”), just know that the enemy has a lot of perpetrators and instigators within the infrastructure of the body. Everybody is not who they say or who you think they are.
In short, please do not take any of my warnings lightly or try to figure out why God uses me in this manner because I do not even know the answer to that- other than He is God. He can do what He wants, when He wants, how He wants, where He wants and with Whoever He wants. He uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.  There are bigger fish to fry. Biblical end time prophecy is swiftly transpiring and it’s time to GET RIGHT CHURCH OR FACE IMMEASURABLE CONSEQUENCES.
-A faithful servant of the Lord-

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